The Mystery of Emotions: From Neuroscience to Psychoanalysis


04.07.23 00:00

Neuropsychoanalysis: From the Past to the Future

prof. Asya Rolls & Prof. Fahed Hakim interviews Prof. Mark Solms and some of the rest of the leadership group coming to Nazareth

04.07.23 18:00

Neuropsychoanalysis: from the past to the Future

Evening Meeting - Golden Crown Hotel, Nazareth

  • Mr. Waseem Dibbini - CFO & Deputy CEO - The Nazareth Trust EMMS
  • Mental Health Among Palestinians in Israel
  • Dr. Nabil Geraisy MD, MPAH. Head of Mental Health Department - Nazareth Hospital EMMS

04.07.23 18:30

Musical segment presented by Polyphony Foundation

05.07.23 09:00

Gathering and registration

05.07.23 09:30

Opening words

  • Najla Asmar - Founder and Manager of Maana Center - Nazareth Hospital EMMS
  • Irith Barzel-Raveh - Founder and Chair of Israeli NPSA group and board member
  • Prof. Mark Solms - Founder and Co-Chair of the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society of the International Societ
  • Prof. Fahed Hakim - Nazareth Hospital EMMS Directo

05.07.23 10:00

‘The Neuroscience of Emotions’

05.07.23 11:00

‘The Neuroscience of Emotion Regulation’

Prof Oliver Turnbull

05.07.23 12:00

Coffee Break

05.07.23 12:20

‘Neuropsychoanalysis: from Scientific Theory to Clinical Practice’

Prof. Mark Solms

05.07.23 13:20

Clinical Case Study, Different Perspectives

  • Case Presenter: Mrs. Rose Barghout Saffury, Psychotherapist in Maana Center
  • Ms. Najla Asmar: Dynamic Perspective Discussion
  • Irith Barzel-Raveh: Developmental Psychoanalytic Perspective Discussion
  • Prof. Mark Solms: Neuropsychoanalytic Perspective Discussion

05.07.23 14:50


05.07.23 15:30

The Nazareth Hospital Authentic Tour of Nazareth

28.07.23 14:30

Conference Summary

Prof. Mark Solms
